


  • Faithful attendance is expected at all sessions and special events.

  • Your child’s consistent presence is important to the  group as a whole and to the catechist.

  • After two consecutive absences you will be called to see if there is a problem.


When a child is consistently disruptive, hindering the group from learning, and/or the catechist from teaching these steps will be taken:

  • First Occurrence: Sent to the Director of Faith Formation

  • Second Occurrence: The catechist will advise the child both orally and in writing that she/he has been disruptive.  A notice will be sent and/or a call will be made to the parents by the Director of Faith Formation.

  • Third Occurrence: The child will be sent to the Director immediately.  The child will call home and advise her/his parents to pick them up.  A meeting between parents, the child and the Director will determine the child’s continued participation in the program.

If the child is then allowed back into the program, any further inappropriate behavior or attitude will result in immediate dismissal.


  • Please see that your child is on time.

  • Please escort younger children (pre K through grade 4) to and from their rooms.

  • If your child is to be picked up by someone other than a parent advise the Director of Faith Formation and catechist.

  • Please pick your child up on time.

Cancellation of Sessions:

  • Notice of cancellation of sessions because of inclement weather will be made through announcements on the local radio and TV stations: channels 3, 5, 9 and 10 all are contacted.

  • If Sunday is cancelled, announcements will be made at mass as well as on radio and TV.

  • If school is cancelled our sessions are cancelled.


  • No child will be denied Faith Formation due to an inability to pay.  See home page to contact Mrs. Bonnie Barker.

Cell Phones:

Use of cell phones will not be allowed in class.  If a student is found using a cell phone during class time it will be taken away and returned at the end of class. Exclusions may occur when cell phones are being used as part of an interactive class activity.


Grades 3 to 6:

​Altar Server: Children in grades 4 to 6 are encouraged to take part in this ministry.  Those in grade 4 may choose to become shadows and learn how to be an altar server by shadowing other altar servers throughout the Mass.
Ministry of Hospitality:  Children and their families are invited to be part of this as Greeters at Mass.
Youth Choir: Children in grades 3 and up are invited to be part of this under the direction of our Director of Music, Mr. Tom Andino at 315-468-9761.  

Grades 7 to 12:

​Beginning in grade 7, our young parishioners may choose other ministries.  Before changing a ministry, youth MUST contact Mrs. Stephanie Stewart for approval.  Once approval is given, their name will be given to the coordinator who will then contact the youth to put them on the schedule. One of the following choices may be made:

                 - Remain in the Ministry of Altar Server                                                          - Remain in the Ministry of Greeter.

         - Upon approval of or invitation by the Director of                                      - Upon approval of Mrs. Bonnie Barker they may
           Music, they may choose the Music Ministry as                                              help in the Ministry of Faith Formation as a   either a choir member or instrumentalist.                                                        classroom aide or catechist.